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In touch with the homeland: NON STOP™ supports celebration of the Independence Day of Ukraine in India

In touch with the homeland: NON STOP™ supports celebration of the Independence Day of Ukraine in India

NON STOP™ sponsored the Independence Day of Ukraine festivities arranged for the Ukrainian diaspora in India. The event, dedicated to the diversity of traditional and modern Ukrainian culture, was held at Alma Bakery & Cafe. These days, when Ukrainians have been scattered around the world due to the full-scale war, it is essential for them to keep in touch with their homeland.

The programme started with an exhibition of handmade Ukrainian souvenirs. These items, created by folk art masters, reflected the Ukrainian nature and centuries-old heritage of our ancestors. There was also a photo exhibition held, which allowed to immerse into a journey through incredible Ukrainian landscapes.

Ukrainians are a nation of singers. So, music and dancing were the highlight of the event. There was a live violin concert and a dance show performed by “Hitara Bude” band. Throughout the day, the event was accompanied by Ukrainian traditional tunes. Children had also been engaged in various activities, they enjoyed drawing and handicraft classes.

During festivities, guests were treated to authentic Ukrainian cuisine. They had an opportunity to taste the most delicious Ukrainian dishes and desserts that revealed the true tastes and represented traditions of our country. As for NON STOP™ drinks, they perfectly complemented this celebration and created cheerful and driving atmosphere.

Currently, NON STOP™ is actively conquering the Indian market. Our energy drinks are sold in the states of Haryana, Gujarat, and Punjab, as well as in the country’s largest city – Mumbai.

NON STOP™ energy drinks are made for those who always regret that there are only 24 hours in a day, those busy with demanding work or studying during the day, but willing to stay fit and cheerful in the evening and have extra energy to attend exciting events they have been looking forward to. Thanks to the increased content of caffeine and taurine combined with a powerful vitamin complex, drinking NON STOP™ beverages will make you feel an instant surge of energy, it will boost your physical endurance, mental concentration, reduce fatigue and enhance your emotional well-being.

In touch with the homeland: NON STOP™ supports celebration of the Independence Day of Ukraine in India
In touch with the homeland: NON STOP™ supports celebration of the Independence Day of Ukraine in India
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