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NON STOP™ becomes a partner of Best:: HACKathOn 2023, dedicated to volunteering, and helps raise funds for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

NON STOP™ becomes a partner of Best:: HACKathOn 2023, dedicated to volunteering, and helps raise funds for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

BEST::HACKathOn 2023 was held in Lviv. This year, one of the most important events of the Ukrainian IT industry is dedicated to volunteering, which is highly relevant during the full-scale war. The event was organized by the BEST Lviv Youth Organization (Council of Technical University Students) in collaboration with the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies of the Lviv Polytechnic National University.

During the hackathon, teams were developing web pages and mobile apps to support volunteers, chatbots to provide communication, as well as management systems and online tools to coordinate volunteer activities. Its participants worked non-stop for 24 hours. NON STOP™ Evolution energy drink was a partner of this ambitious event.

Guys were occasionally taking breaks from their work, had some snacks, played board games. The teams were provided with comfortable environment, with foods and natural NON STOP™ Evo energy drinks to boost their mental activity even more. This drink enhances mental alertness and physical endurance, provides immediate surge of energy and drive, reducing fatigue feeling.

A total of 41 teams had registered to take part in the hackathon, with 15 teams selected from top-ranked Ukrainian universities, including Lviv Polytechnic National University, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, IT STEP University, etc.

The following teams became the hackathon winners:

503 team with their SkillSwap project, a service that streamlines the system of raising donations for volunteer organizations.

418 Teapot team with their design of a website to help volunteers.

RiceCode team with their Swipe2Help project.

Another important event of the hackathon was a charity fundraising for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Making donations starting from UAH 20, participants had the opportunity to gain one of the variety of prizes provided by the event’s partners. As a result, there have been UAH 38 490 raised. Fundraising organizers had already purchased and delivered 35 combat trousers for our soldiers fighting in the Bakhmut area for this money. New Products Group was happy to join this important activity.

We should mention that NON STOP™ Evolution is the first 100% natural energy drink in Ukraine, with baobab extract, ginkgo biloba, natural caffeine and guarana. Natural composition of this drinks also boasts reduced sugar content and minimum of calories – only 33 kcal per 100 ml.

NON STOP™ becomes a partner of Best:: HACKathOn 2023, dedicated to volunteering, and helps raise funds for the Armed Forces of Ukraine
NON STOP™ becomes a partner of Best:: HACKathOn 2023, dedicated to volunteering, and helps raise funds for the Armed Forces of Ukraine
NON STOP™ becomes a partner of Best:: HACKathOn 2023, dedicated to volunteering, and helps raise funds for the Armed Forces of Ukraine
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