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For cooperation with the occupier: legislative measures against companies that remained in the russian federation

For cooperation with the occupier: legislative measures against companies that remained in the russian federation

For six months now, russia has been systematically trying to wipe Ukraine off the map: missiles, bombs, and shells have been flying at the homes of Ukrainians who call on the world to boycott the aggressor. However, it is not always possible to be heard.

Products made by international companies that “sponsor” this war can still be found in our stores: while financing the russian federation, they do not refuse to make profits from the pockets of Ukrainians. At the same time, products of conscious and friendly to Ukraine brands are available alongside the goods of such manufacturers, but it is difficult for the average consumer to identify “friends” and “foes.”

The law, to which activists have been persistently drawing public attention, can help improve the situation and encourage businesses to stop cooperating with the occupier. Special labeling of goods and increased tax rates are the main measures envisaged by the draft law. They will help Ukrainians easily identify the aggressor’s accomplices on store shelves, increase state budget revenues, and become a proper reward for responsible businesses that, despite possible profits, chose a seemingly financially unprofitable path and refused to work in russia.

New Products Group supports this legislative initiative and respects the efforts of the media and experts to highlight its benefits and draw public attention to it.

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