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Employees of the New Products Group have completed a strategic planning training


How to maintain and grow a business in a complex and unpredictable environment? What should companies become in an era of total change? These questions weigh heavily on the minds of most Ukrainian entrepreneurs, especially in the conditions of a full-scale war and an unstable situation in the country.

Employees of the New Products Group have completed a strategic planning training

To enhance their planning skills, employees of the New Products Group participated in a course titled “Modern Strategic Planning in Conditions of Uncertainty and Complexity” led by Coach Andrey Kryuchkov.

Andrey Kryuchkov has specialized in strategic consulting and coaching for business owners and managers, as well as in implementing global changes within companies, for over 20 years. He firmly believes that strategy is not solely about distant planning horizons, but also about the importance and integrity of management decisions. It entails constantly formulating and testing hypotheses for both the present and future, while enduring the stress of uncertainty to achieve desired outcomes. According to Andrey Kryuchkov, the effective implementation of a strategy involves a portfolio of functional and cross-functional projects, employing a combination of classical project management and agile management, which offers a flexible approach to organizing a company’s work.

Employees of the New Products Group have completed a strategic planning training

During the strategic session, representatives of the New Products Group team defined the company’s main goals for the future and identified key areas of growth. They also outlined the focus of their efforts, which encompasses the primary activities necessary to overcome obstacles and achieve these key objectives.

Employees of the New Products Group have completed a strategic planning training
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